This year marks the exciting debut of WRB Racing in the prestigious Lamera Cup, a thrilling endurance racing series known for its competitive spirit and international camaraderie. As a new team, WRB Racing is driven by a passion for motorsport and eagerly anticipates the challenges and opportunities that await in this dynamic championship.

WRB Racing is proud to hail from Belgium, a country with a rich automotive heritage. Our team embodies the multicultural essence of our homeland, fluently speaking Dutch, English, and French. We are open to welcoming drivers from all participating countries, fostering an environment where diverse talents and backgrounds can come together and share a common passion.

Our entry into the Lamera Cup is fueled by a professional attitude and a quest for performance. We have meticulously prepared our car and are very grateful to be supported by a highly motivated team of mechanics and skilled drivers, all dedicated to advancing the team and achieving good results.

Beyond our technical and competitive ambition, WRB Racing is committed to infusing a sense of joy and friendship into the racing community. We believe that the essence of motorsport lies not only in the pursuit of victory but also in the bonds formed and the experiences shared on and off the track. At WRB Racing, we aim to build lasting relationships with our competitors, fostering a spirit of mutual respect and camaraderie. Our presence in the paddock will be marked by a welcoming atmosphere, where everyone feels valued and appreciated.

As we take our first steps in our inaugural season, we look forward to the exhilarating races ahead and the opportunity to engage with the Lamera Cup’s great family. The diverse and talented roster of teams and drivers in the championship offers a wealth of experience and insight, and we are eager to learn, share, and grow alongside them. Each race will be a new chapter in our story, and we are excited to see how our journey unfolds.

WRB Racing is more than just a team; we are a community united by the love of racing. Together, let’s create unforgettable memories, celebrate each team’s victories, and face challenges with determination and joy. The road ahead is long and winding, but with passion in our hearts, WRB Racing is ready to become a member of the Lamera Cup family.